Don't wake the baby!-这本书不错哟,强烈推荐!

Don't wake the baby!

作者 (Author) Lewison, Wendy Cheyette
等级 (MML) MM LEVEL: 0.7
年级 (IL) Lower Grades (LG K-3)
字数 (Words) 215
类型 (Fiction) Fiction
书号 (ISBN)
系列 (Series) All Aboard Reading;
Nothing wakes this baby—not a beeping car, not a barking dog, not a ringing telephone! But when a tiny fly buzzes by, he finally wakes up. And what does it take to get him back to sleep? A kiss on the nose from big sister! All Aboard Reading titles feature extra-large type, primer-easy sentence structure, and colorful rebus pictures that replace many nouns in the text. This book includes 24 cut-out flash cards.


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